Opal has an internal file system that is accessible through web services. The Opal R package exposes files management related functions:
Setup the connection with Opal:
opal.login("administrator", "password", "https://opal-demo.obiba.org") o <-
Download a file:
opal.file_download(o, "/home/administrator/CNSIM.zip")
Download a file, protected by a password:
opal.file_download(o, "/home/administrator/CNSIM.zip", "CNSIM-encrypted.zip", key="ABCDEFGHIJKL")
Upload the file at another location:
opal.file_upload(o, "CNSIM.zip", "/projects/CNSIM")
Create a folder and list folder content:
paste0("/projects/CNSIM/foo-", sample(10000:99999, 1))
fooDir <-opal.file_mkdir(o, fooDir)
opal.file_ls(o, "/projects/CNSIM")
Move file to the new folder and list folder content:
opal.file_mv(o, "/projects/CNSIM/CNSIM.zip", fooDir)
opal.file_ls(o, fooDir)
Rename the new folder and list folder content:
paste0("/projects/CNSIM/bar-", sample(10000:99999, 1))
barDir <-opal.file_mv(o, fooDir, barDir)
opal.file_ls(o, "/projects/CNSIM")
Extract the content of the archive file into a folder:
opal.file_unzip(o, paste0(barDir, "/CNSIM.zip"), barDir)
out <-opal.file_ls(o, out)
Write a file from the Opal file system into the R server session workspace:
opal.file_write(o, paste0(barDir, "/CNSIM.zip"))
opal.execute(o, "list.files()")
Read back the file into the Opal file system:
opal.file_read(o, "CNSIM.zip", paste0(barDir, "/ds.zip"))
opal.file_ls(o, barDir)
Remove created folder and list folder content:
opal.file_rm(o, barDir)
opal.file_ls(o, "/projects/CNSIM")
Good practice is to free server resources by sending a logout request:
# clean server side
# clean client side